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Wooden Foundations

Wooden Foundations

Event concluded on 16th July, 2010

Google Maps MarkerNo Vacancy Gallery
27-33 Red Cape Lane, Melbourne, 3000, Victoria, Australia

Bonsai (Scottie Neoh), Oh54 (Paul Milecharane), Nails (Niels Oeltjen), and Twoone (Hiroyasu Tsuri) are Wooden
Foundations. Sharing the common bond of the spray can, these artists have each developed vibrant art and design
practices. For this show they will create an installation that explores artistic collaboration as an extension of
their street-based collabs, and the convergence of personal mythology into a group scenario, and anything
that the working process may bring along with it. As collectors of miscellany, and users of recycled material
in their artwork, the collective has gone one step further and committed to creating the installation almost entirely
out of recycled/reclaimed/re-used material.

Watch the project evolve

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Prints | White
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Super Saiya-jin Otaku Boy #1 Super Saiya-jin Otaku Boy
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Skull & Target #1 Skull & Target
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