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The Thinnest of Betweens

The Thinnest of Betweens

Event concluded on 7th August, 2010

Google Maps MarkerMonster Children Gallery
20 Burton St, Darlinghurst, 2010, New South Wales, Australia

Self-taught Sydney artist, Trent Whitehead will present a new body of work at Monster Children Gallery. With this series, Whitehead attempts to represent a disparate and essentially unusual view of past and future.

Just like a dream is the mere sorting and cataloguing of a day's events by our subconscious, Whitehead's paintings on wooden panels are subtly filled with experiences of his own existence. The wondrous and often humorous paintings make up one half of the exhibition. The other half consists of his distinctive masks, which have become a significant component of his artist practice. The masks, lending themselves to the life-giving process of construction, are three dimensional embodiments of the delinquents from his paintings. Pieced together from geometric shapes and painted with the same Memphis-like colour palette and omnipresent patterning as the paintings, a certain intensity and vitality is introduced.

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