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Shadow Wars 2

Shadow Wars 2

Event concluded on 2nd September, 2007

Google Maps MarkerFactory Theatre
105 Victoria Rd, Enmore, 2042, New South Wales, Australia

Aussie B-Boys and B-Girls, this is the moment you've all been waiting for!

At long last a super hot break dancing championship is taking place in Australia, so gather your crew and get ready to rip it and represent! Travelling to Sydney in September, The Shadow Wars B-Boy Battle is already gearing up to be one of the most impressive and mammoth showcases of Australian break dancing talent, with international B-Boy superstars Milky, Kid David and Ducky and one more special guest heading to our shores to judge the prestigious competition. Best known for their performances in one of the world's leading breakdancing events, The Red Bull BC One, in addition to judging The Shadow Wars B-Boy Battle, these breakdance masters will also be battling head-to-head with the local winners of the events and conducting workshops prior to the comps. This way, they can teach local crews a few new tricks and show us Aussies how it's really done.

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