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Meggs - Sons of Privilege

Meggs - Sons of Privilege

Event concluded on 30th August, 2010

Google Maps MarkerLo-Fi Collective
383 Bourke St, Darlinghurst, 2010, New South Wales, Australia

 Based on the lyric ‘we don’t want to be slaves to the sons of privilege’, this new collection of artworks and installation by Meggs reflects a freedom of thought and action and a frustration with institution and authority, be it governments, laws or religion. For Meggs, ‘Sons of privilege’, questions personal freedoms and liberties, the right to challenge ideas, politics and blind patriotism. Freedom of thought, self-expression and independence should be admired and we shouldn’t bow to the pressure of social stigmas, expectations, comparison or greed. This exhibition follows Meggs’ sell-out show ‘King for a day’ in Melbourne and Hong Kong and is a continuation of the fragile nature of power, fame and fortune.

Initially recognised for his multi-layer street stencils and posters, Meggs has become a well recognised and respected member of Australia's street art culture. With a background of graffiti, skateboarding and graphic design Meggs has developed his painting skills from street to galleries with a mixture of aerosol based character work and stencil based expressive canvases. Being a member of the renowned 'Everfresh' studio, a unique collective/studio space in Melbourne, has helped Meggs to develop skills in aerosol painting and screen printing and participate in numerous large scale Everfresh mural works.
His street work, although often playful references to 1980's skate graphics, still has an element of menace and much of his street and gallery work explores a notion of 'duality of self'. Reflecting on personal experience Meggs produces energetic and subverted collages of hybrid characters & pop culture symbology that question the notion of morals, rights and actions of the individual and society at large.
Meggs has spread his street and gallery work as far as London, NYC, LA, SF, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Paris and he has contributed to various projects with the Rebel Club in Singapore, Stussy Australia and numerous Gallery exhibitions around the world, as well as having artworks included in the permanent collections of the National Gallery of Australia and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. A continued passion for graffiti, pop-art and abstract expressionism places Meggs as one of Australia’s pioneering street to gallery artists.

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