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COLLISION: A Jahan x Crash Exhibition

COLLISION: A Jahan x Crash Exhibition

Event concluded on 25th June, 2006

Google Maps MarkerSingapore
1 Esplanade Drive, Singapore, 038981, Singapore, Singapore

COLLISION: A Jahan x Crash Exhibition. Two collaborative exhibitions entitled Collision and Collision II by celebrated artist and graffitti legend, Crashone, and Singaporean artist, Jahan Loh. Crashone, whose work was first discovered through the murals he spray painted on subway cars, basketball courts and walls of buildings in dilapidated neighbourhoods, is now exhibited by museums worldwide, from his native Museum of Modern Art, NY to the Groninger Museum in Holland. Jahan, probably more recognised in the urban art community as Dazed-J, has achieved phenomenal success within a few short years. A recipient of the Singapore Press Holdings Fine Arts scholarship, he was also the winner of the 1st Nokia Arts Award in 1999. Today, he is Creative Director for MACHI Entertainment in Taiwan and has recently created designs for Nike, Vestax, Adidas and Nokia. Their provocative installation, Collision, will be at the Esplanade Concourse. A salute to pop and comic art, Collision II, held at Jendela (Visual Arts Space) from 12 May-25 June, explores the theme of Superheroes. The exhibition showcases work from Crash's Second Skin Series, based on the Super hero's costumes, and Jahan's individual take on Asian Super Heroes. This common theme has inspired unique responses from the artists, both equally witty, irreverent and compelling.

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