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Something Mistaken For Nothing

Something Mistaken For Nothing

Event concluded on 26th September, 2010

Google Maps MarkerThe Curiosity Shoppe
855 Valencia Street, San Francisco, 94110, CA, United States

 Have a great day - a phrase we have all heard, and probably said ourselves, at one time or another. This, along with so many other expressions have become as cliché as our daily interactions, their intended message so diluted from over-use, that we end up retaining very little of the actual meaning of what is most often said and heard. But as the repetition continues, empty of sentiment, we are conditioned to pay little attention to that which is uttered habitually and heard constantly. If we could only isolate ourselves from how we perceive these phrases, and experience them literally, as if for the first time, we might actually find that they have the potential of expressing something truly heartfelt.

The Curiosity Shoppe of San Francisco presents SOMETHINGMISTAKENFORNOTHING, a solo exhibition of new works by Scott Albrecht. The show features a series of three-dimensional pictographic wooden pieces, hand-cut and stained as well as typographic studies on vintage pieces of paper and wood— created using paint, pen & ink, and screen printing.

Albrecht\'s style of type-based imagery and hand-drawn lettering hints toward the idea of the discardable in human interaction, explored through a collection of familiar thoughts and phrases that seem relatively insignificant in their ubiquity but actually hold a great deal of meaning when interpreted at true value.

The idea of the discardable is not only a unifying theme within the body of work but also a tangible quality through out the site-specific installation created by the artist within the gallery space. Almost all of the materials used came from second-hand or found sources, adding a genuine element of dialogue between the work, viewer, and environment.

Each of the paper pieces in the show were created using pages which have been removed from discarded books, hand selected for their aged and discolored edges. Similarly, the fading intentional sentiment of the words rendered onto these pages, are restored by the artist in a fresh and genuine voice.

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