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NIGHT SHIFT by Cam Scale

NIGHT SHIFT by Cam Scale

Event concluded on 7th April, 2011

Google Maps MarkerRancho Notorious
361 Little Lonsdale St, Upstairs, Melbourne, 3000, Victoria, Australia

 Perfecting his craft over the last decade Cam Scale brings you his latest solo show Night Shift.

The talented Illustrator and Street Artist has created a new body of work allowing you to come and experience the world after dark. Originally starting out in aerosol Scale has moved on to specialize in advertising, commercial and fine art. His work reflecting his appreciation for nature and the urban landscape.

Night Shift will expose you to “the surreal feeling when totally alone at night. Freedom, the quiet stillness, being in spaces usually filled by numerous, noisy, busy people, changes to one of illuminated beauty".

Come and be engulfed by the dark.

Opening Thursday 31st March 6-9pm At Rancho Notorious – 361 Lt Lonsdale St, Melbourne

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