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Acid Over Easy by Zach Johnsen

Acid Over Easy by Zach Johnsen

Event concluded on 26th February, 2011

Google Maps MarkerBackwoods Gallery
25 Easey St, Collingwood, 3066, Victoria, Australia

Backwoods Gallery is pleased to announce Acid Over Easy, a solo show by Zach Johnsen featuring the continuation of the explosive “Acid in the Ice Cream” series. Acid Over Easy is a frenetic show of new works on paper exploring a break in habits of everyday man and woman.  

Artist Zach Johnsen presents all new drawings in graphite and watercolor of human forms in moments of suspended movement and anxiety .. capturing continuous explosive moments on one piece of paper.

Acid Over Easy is a world of 9 to 5ers in moments of pure revelation. It is a real estate agent confronted by spirits that just became visible.  It is hidden energies that tug at the back of the neck.

It is psychadelic purple drink in the water cooler.  It is sudden moments of inspiration. It is the catalyst that makes time stand still for a moment. It is getting in touch with nature for the first time.

It is the realization that the monotonous routines of day to day living isn’t all there is to experience.. that there is so much power within ourselves and all around us just waiting for us to notice….

The Acid trip continues…

Zach Johnsen

Zach Johnsen is a Portland, Oregon based multidisciplinary artist and designer working in graphite, watercolor, pen & ink, and mixed media on paper. His work is figurative, depicting people and characters in various states of motion, often times exploding or morphing.  

His work is frenetic in nature.. an explosion of lines and color influenced by infomercials, cartoons, sweets and the over consumption of popular culture. Zach now lives in Portland, OR where he operates as well as hatching his next moves on the art world.  

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